Scottish Government urged to set out ‘clear direction of travel’ towards zero emissions heating

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THE Existing Homes Alliance has expressed its disappointment in the Scottish Government’s decision to scrap its Heat in Buildings Bill.

The alliance is a coalition of housing, environmental, fuel poverty, consumer, and industry organisations that calls for urgent action to transform Scotland’s existing housing stock. The group includes WWF Scotland, Shelter Scotland, Energy Saving Trust, nesta, SNIPEF, Scottish Renewables and Citizens Advice Scotland.

Lori McELroy, chair of the Existing Homes Alliance, said, “Cabinet secretary Martin is right to say that the Heat in Buildings Bill needs to tackle both fuel poverty AND the climate emergency – this is something the Alliance said in its response to the consultation a year ago. Further delay is not the answer. This move will only extend households’ exposure to volatile fossil fuel markets.

“The Climate Change Committee recently highlighted that failure by politicians to simulate investment through legislation that enables us to reach net zero and reduce the price of electricity by opening opportunities in private markets will see constituents worse off. 

“We need a Heat in Buildings Bill introduced this session and drafted in a way that protects the most vulnerable – that includes a firm commitment that the Bill contributes to tackling fuel poverty and a role for Scotland’s Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel in overseeing implementation of the regulations.

“We also need a support framework that ensures that everyone can access the help they need to comply, and that the costs of meeting the new standard are fully met for households in fuel poverty.

“It’s disappointing that we are now a year on from the consultation closing and we don’t appear to be any further forward on this. The longer we are left without a Bill, the more growth and job opportunities pass us by. Industry needs certainty so it can invest in the jobs needed to meet growing demand.

“It’s time for the Scottish Government to set out a clear direction of travel towards zero emissions heating by 2045. Homeowners and landlords need clarity to enable those who want to embrace the future now, to do so with confidence.”