GEG Capital adds Bracewell Stirling Consulting to portfolio

David Keith, Jia MacKenzie, Amanda MacRitchie
David Keith, Jia MacKenzie, Amanda MacRitchie

INVERNESS-based investment group GEG Capital Ltd has acquired a stake in architectural practice Bracewell Stirling Consulting.

The addition of the consultancy, offering design, master planning, 3D modelling, and sustainability services, is tipped to bolster GEG Capital’s existing portfolio of planning, design, environment, and construction capabilities across Scotland and the UK.

Jia MacKenzie, GEG Capital’s director, said, “We are delighted to bring Bracewell Stirling Consulting under the GEG Capital umbrella. As a strategic partner, GEG Capital will provide a range of support services, including HR, marketing, IT, legal advice, accounting, insurance, and cost control.

“The day-to-day operations and future development of the practice will remain independently managed by Bracewell’s current leadership personnel – David Keith and Amanda MacRitchie.

“Bracewell Stirling not only possesses an outstanding reputation and culture that aligns with our own, but they also bring extensive expertise in the design of housing developments and commercial projects to the group. This capability, supported by the GEG Capital management team, will present numerous opportunities for the growth of the business.”

Bracewell Stirling, which employs over 20 staff across three offices in Inverness, Tillicoultry, and Oban, specialises in private and social housing developments. The firm has also established a track record in commercial projects, encompassing business parks, supermarkets, hotels, leisure facilities, and medical establishments. Bracewell Stirling is also involved in the energy and sustainability sector, with certified in-house energy assessors including Passive House accreditation.

David Keith, Bracewell Stirling’s senior partner of 33 years, added, “Heading into Bracewell’s hundredth year of being in business, the team and I are looking forward to an exciting new chapter in the firm’s history. With GEG Capital’s strategic investment in the practice to facilitate a fresh vision for the future, we will continue to serve our existing clients and look forward to expanding our networks.

“Building on existing relationships with the likes of Capstone Construction, we look forward to benefiting from the synergies and strategic relationships that will be created with other companies within the portfolio which will generate new work streams, with access to engineering, ecology, and planning services.”

Amanda MacRitchie, Bracewell Stirling’s senior partner of 23 years, commented, “With people at the core of our business, the cultural fit with GEG Capital is excellent, offering opportunities for further professional and personal development for the team. Additionally, as we continue to grow, we anticipate the creation of multiple new roles to strengthen our already successful team.

“Bracewell Stirling has set its sights on expanding the commercial side of the business and has already enlisted the expertise of senior architect David Lawrie to drive this forward, who in previous roles, has lead projects such as the Scapa Flow and Gairloch Museums.”