A new cloud-based system could prevent ‘millions’ of litres of water being lost from underground pipe leaks.
Developed by the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) alongside FIDO Tech, the Cloud Correlation System accurately detects the location of hidden leaks ‘within seconds’.
The partners added that it would allow water utility firms to source leaks ‘more accurately than ever before’.
It uses small sensors which attach magnetically to pipes and record simultaneous acoustic samples that are then uploaded to the cloud system for automatic signal processing.
Exact results of the leak’s location between the two sensors are then received by the utility firms almost immediately.
Professor Milan Radosavljevic, vice-principal of research, innovation and engagement at UWS, said, “This is a groundbreaking system that not only helps to streamline processes for water utility companies, it also contributes directly to UWS’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainability Goals.”
Victoria Edwards, CEO of FIDO Tech, added, “With the support of UWS to create Cloud Correlation, we have now combined our AI-enabled leak detection and sizing with the power of cloud computing to give engineers exact leak location in the field.
“This further eliminates human input, and therefore error, from the leak process freeing up skilled human talent for more complex tasks like pressure management and investigation, where it has more value.”