A combined retail and housing project is to give a boost to regeneration of the former Arnotts department store site in Paisley town centre.
A master plan for the Abbey Quarter is being developed after Link Group Ltd agreed to take forward plans for 31 flats. The scheme is backed by the joint venture company set up by Renfrewshire Council and Parklane to revive the important Arnotts site.
Plans are also said to be well advanced for the next phase of development which will include new retail premises and private sector housing while retaining the listed frontage of the Arnotts building.
Colin Culross, Link’s director of development and asset management, said: “We recognise the historical and architectural importance of the Arnotts site and will work with the developers to achieve an appropriate design solution which embodies the positive benefits created by the ‘spirit of place’, delivering a more sustainable environment for our customers and the homes in which they live.”
Meanwhile, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport is set to reveal proposals to spend £1.8m to improve services in the town centre.