Growing Edinburgh firm launches trainee recruitment drive

Ivan Ralph
Ivan Ralph

RALPH Sayer, the Edinburgh-based solicitors and estate agents, has announced it is on course to appoint five trainee solicitors in less than a year as the company continues to enjoy sustained growth.

The family-run firm has been on an upward trajectory since its formation in October 2022 and brought in Megan Kane as its first trainee last May.

Subsequent hires of graduates Katie Wright and Kirsteen MacKay were made during 2024 to meet rising demand and with the business showing no signs of slowing down, chief executive Ivan Ralph has capacity to add to his expanding team.

Ralph, who recently appointed Robyn Donaldson (31) as a new partner in the firm, is looking to fill another two vacancies for ‘organised and proactive’ conveyancing trainee solicitors who have completed their Diploma in Legal Practice.

“The trainee approach is a win-win for the firm and the trainees,” he said. “It’s currently very difficult to find experienced paralegals or solicitors as most people are well settled where they are. Whilst we are always looking to recruit experienced people too, it’s a very competitive market with not that much movement in the established ranks at the moment.

“The trainees we have brought in here have all done extremely well. They are a good fit for the firm, and have really hit the ground running, helping to ensure that our clients are well looked after, while they also gain a good grounding, learning the ropes in a supportive atmosphere and attaining the qualifications required to further their careers.

“It’s been pleasing to see our ongoing growth and with things continuing to get busier and busier, it’s the right time to be adding to our staff.”