E2 Holdings, which is behind sustainable brands such as Ecomerchant, Eco Slate, and Fragile Earth, has launched the Scottish Natural Insulation Hub, which promotes the use of natural products to help Scotland’s construction sector meet ambitious carbon targets.
Based in Dumfries and Oban, the hub aligns itself with Scotland’s distinct building regulations and diverse systems, offering natural solutions and ancillaries tailored to the requirements of the Scottish construction landscape.
With timber frame dominating the Scottish housing market, the hub embraces this, providing products said to ‘complement and enhance’ the efficiency of timber frame structures.
E2 explained that all the hub’s insulation materials come from sustainable and renewable resources. Core products include wood, hemp, wool, cellulose, sisal and calcium silicate insulation products and systems.
The Scottish Natural Insulation Hub is supported by manufacturers including Steico, Thermafleece, and two Scottish firms – IndiNature and Sisaltech.
MD Will Kirkman said, “The Scottish Natural Insulation Hub is not just a supplier; it’s a partner in Scotland’s journey towards sustainable construction. By aligning with local building regulations, embracing the dominance of timber frame construction, and offering top-quality natural insulation, we are poised to play a pivotal role in the continued success of the Scottish construction industry.”