CALEDONIA Housing Association has revealed how it turned proceeds from the sale of its former office into a means of enhancing its financial and wellbeing support for tenants and communities.
A £12,000 community fund, managed through Caledonia’s neighbourhood officers, was created to support organisations that deliver essential services and activities for tenants. It ensures resources are allocated to address local needs and support organisations that directly impact tenants’ lives.
Established using proceeds from the sale of Caledonia’s Broughty Ferry office, Northwood House in Dundee last year, the fund offers financial assistance to organisations focused on tackling poverty, inequality, and social isolation. 40 organisations have received financial support from the fund including Lochee Community Hub in Dundee for activities and support groups; Faifley Parish Church in Clydebank for providing a welcoming space for local groups to combat social isolation, particularly among elderly residents; and Tulloch Primary School in Perth which helps families struggling to cover the cost of school trips, uniforms and snacks.
Proceeds of the Northwood House sale also allowed Caledonia to extend its partnership with Scarf, the energy-saving advisory service which helps tenants manage their energy costs, reduce carbon footprints, and stay warm.
The sale also enabled Caledonia to join forces with Lightning Reach, a financial support portal which provides access to personalised services to build financial resilience and wellbeing.
Julie Cosgrove, chief executive at Caledonia Housing Association, said, “I am very proud of the work that we have delivered. It has been directly focused on supporting our tenants and helping them through the most challenging financial times. Partnerships are critical to providing tenants with the quality of advice and tailored support which has a positive impact and we are impressed with the service from both Scarf and Lightning Reach.
“The sale of our office has been reinvested to support our tenants and enabled us to extend these partnerships and implement a community fund to support the well-being and resilience of Caledonia’s neighbourhoods. I wish to thank The Northwood Charitable Trust for their continued support in everything that we do.”