Automated gate video aims to promote safety

Gate Safety Month animated video

DHF (Door & Hardware Federation) has announced it will mark another Gate Safety Month with a new animated video for Automated Gate Group members.

The video is entitled, ‘Why use a DHF trained engineer for your Automated Gate or Barrier Installation’, with the launch coming on the 10th anniversary of the ‘gate safety’ campaign that the federation started in 2014, with the aim of promoting the continued safe installation, repair, and maintenance of automated gates.

“As well as running through the installation process, highlighting how safety is achieved, and emphasising why it is vital to use a DHF trained engineer, the video also demonstrates that without adequate safety measures and compliance, automated gates and traffic barriers can put people and organisations at risk,” said DHF commercial director, Patricia Sowsbery-Stevens. “It is therefore essential that they are correctly designed and installed by trained installation engineers, for example, DHF members.”

Initially called ‘gate safety week’, the campaign was re-named ‘gate safety month’, and creates awareness on the dangers of poor installation and maintenance, as well as how to spot an unsafe gate.