Morris & Spottiswood delivers new homes in Chryston

Chryston new homes handoverMORRIS & Spottiswood has built nine new homes in Chryston, North Lanarkshire for Caledonia Housing Association.

The properties at Berryknowe Avenue comprise a £2.1 million development, supported by £1.3 million of Scottish Government funding. The site includes an accessible bungalow and eight two-storey houses.

Julie Cosgrove (chief executive of Caledonia Housing Association), Brian Pettigrew (housing sector director at Morris & Spottiswood), and Stephen Llewellyn (chief officer, housing at North Lanarkshire Council) recently welcomed first tenant, Sean Drew, as the guest of honour at the ribbon-cutting event.

Chryston new homes handover

Julie Cosgrove said, “We are thrilled to have taken control of this new development. Berryknowe Avenue is the first project for Caledonia in North Lanarkshire and it delivers new, high quality, energy efficient homes. As well as the new homes, we have also amended the road junction to form a bend and created a new footpath to nearby Cumbernauld Road.”

Stephanie Drew, Sean’s mother, added, “Sean is currently living in our converted garage with his wheelchair, hospital bed and recliner which his carers must work around 24-hours a day. The move to his new home will be life-changing for Sean and our family which will allow us to be parents and not just carers.”

Stephen Llewellyn commented, “We are delighted to see the completion of these new homes in Chryston, which will add much-needed rental properties for the local community. Alongside our ambitious target to deliver 5,000 new council homes by 2035, we are pleased to work with our housing association partners to provide additional high-quality, energy-efficient homes for our residents.”

Brian Pettigrew stated, “We are delighted to have delivered these much-needed energy efficient, high quality and attractive homes to the local Chryston area. This was our first project working in partnership with Caledonia Housing Association and we very much look forward to growing this relationship further and to the future opportunities it brings.”