Housebuilder supports Earthtime’s Fairy House Challenge

Fairy house

EARTHTIME, an award-winning charity that connects children and young people with the natural environment, is appealing for families to take part in its Fairy House Challenge.

Sponsored by Springfield Properties, Earthtime is encouraging children, grown-ups, and businesses alike to design and build a fairy house to be in with a chance of a cash prize. With four categories, participants are tasked with letting their imaginations run free to create a small house for fairies using as many natural materials as possible.

The fairy homes will be on display at the upcoming Elf and Fairy Fair taking place at Duffus Estate between 11am and 3pm on Saturday 28 September. With over 200 tickets already sold, the event promises elf and fairy nature inspired woodland crafts, marshmallows on the campfire, adventure trails, entertainment and the winners of all important fairy house competition will be announced.

Samara Shah, lead officer at Earthtime, said, “We would love for imaginations to go wild and for grown-ups to either support their children creating a house or enter as a family or a group. The key is to use as many natural materials as possible like sticks and twigs to leaves and grass as these houses will be outside in the woods.

“We are delighted to have the support of housebuilders Springfield, and with their generosity, there are excellent cash prizes to be won.”

Dave Main, MD of Springfield Properties, added, “This event combines many things that we are passionate about at Springfield: using sustainable resources to build high quality homes and local events that bring the community together. We’re excited to support the Earthtime with this venture and looking forward to seeing the Fairy House entries.”

To enter the Fairy House Challenge, houses can be dropped off at Earthtime’s Office at Duffus Estate, ideally during office hours, but can be left (with a note of contact details) in a safe space such as the wood pile. The deadline for entries is 12 noon on Friday 27 September.