Ayrshire construction businesses raise funds for MSA Trust in memory of colleague

The Wee House Company team

AYRSHIRE construction businesses Connect Modular and The Wee House Company have been raising money for the Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) Trust, after hosting a charity ‘Games Day’ for staff and sub-contractors.

The fundraiser took place on August 30 and saw employees go head-to-head in various challenges and activities including pool, darts, dominoes, and cards. So far, the event has raised £1,052 and the Just Giving page remains open.

The MSA Trust charity was chosen in honour of the Wee House Group’s former colleague, Kenneth Clarke, who was diagnosed in 2021 with the rare neurological disorder Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) and passed away in June this year.

Kenneth was a talented graphic designer and is the creative mind behind the Connect Modular and Wee House Company brand logos. He leaves a lasting legacy at the Wee House Group, having contributed to the development of many important brand assets.

Jennifer Higgins, CEO of The Wee House Group, said, “Each year we try to bring our staff together for a day of fun and team-building and we like to incorporate a charity element whenever possible. For this year’s event, there could be only one beneficiary of our fundraising efforts – The MSA Trust. I would like to thank every single person who has donated to this fundraiser. We are delighted with the sum of money raised and we hope that our event has also helped to raise awareness of MSA and the MSA Trust.”

MSA is a progressive neurological disease which affects all of the body’s basic functions. There is currently no known cause or cure.

Eleanor Jarvis, events, community and digital fundraising officer at the MSA Trust, said, “MSA can feel like a never ending series of losses. For many people the moment of diagnosis is a devastating experience. However, the MSA Trust is always there to support anyone affected by MSA. The Trust receives no government funding, so it is fundraisers like the one being organised in memory of Kenneth Clarke that allow us to continue our vital work. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone at Connect Modular and The Wee House Company for their generous support.”

If you would like to donate to The Wee House Group’s fundraiser for the MSA Trust, visit: https://www.justgiving.com/page/the-wee-house-group-fundraiser-for-msa-trust