267 Glasgow homes to benefit from external wall insulation project

Calvay Housing Association and Procast project in Barlanark

HAMILTON-based Procast Group has started work on a £5 million project to install external wall insulation across 267 flats managed by Calvay Housing Association.

This work in Barlanark in the east end of Glasgow aims to improve the energy efficiency of the homes, provide tenants with warmer living conditions, and lower fuel bills. Originally built in 1952, the properties will enjoy a ‘modernised’ look.

The works, which are spread across 36 flatted blocks, are anticipated to complete next summer, with a dedicated team of over 60 employees working on the installation.

Calvay Housing Association’s investment into the project has been match-funded by the Scottish Government via its Scottish Net Zero Heat Fund (SNZHF). The Energy Saving Trust (EST) estimates external wall insulation can save households up to £410 per year on energy bills.

Procast Group is working alongside Brown + Wallace, a local business consultancy firm that is managing the project.

Derek Innes, owner of Procast Group, said, “Working with organisations that see the long-term gains from the installation of External Wall Insulation is always encouraging. As the Scottish Government’s net zero deadline approaches, we are seeing more projects like this come to fruition and the impact it can have on carbon output and of course, keeping tenants warm in their homes is fantastic.

“The work with Calvay Housing Association will have a transformative impact on hundreds of tenants across Glasgow, allowing them to be more comfortable in their own homes. We’re proud to be contributing to a project that helps people on the ground now and aligns so closely with Scotland’s net zero ambitions.”

Jim Gourlay, chair of Calvay Housing Association, added, “It’s great to see works get underway to improve 267 homes in our Barlanark community. Calvay’s mission is rooted in delivering high-quality homes for local people and investment into improving external wall insulation will help to future-proof the properties, as well as make them more sustainable.

“Enabled by the Scottish Government’s Scottish Net Zero Heat Fund, we’re pleased to partner with Procast Group, who has a proven track record in delivering exemplary housing improvement projects. The project is a great example of collaboration between housing associations, government bodies, and industry leaders to drive forward the agenda for more sustainable and energy-efficient housing in Scotland.”