Maxi offers insight into construction careers for youngsters

Boyd Black
Boyd Black. Image credit: Sandy Young /

MAXI Construction has announced its continuous support for the Career Ready initiative, which started in 2017 with a commitment to providing mentorship and paid internships to high school pupils with an interest in careers in construction.

The firm’s latest Career Ready student, Boyd Black from St Kentigern’s Academy, has  completed a four-week internship with the business.

Construction director Barry Simpson was paired with Boyd due to his interest in a career within the construction industry. Barry mentored Boyd throughout the 2023-24 academic year. With an interest in compliance, Boyd spent time in each department to learn about their contribution and how compliance is monitored. He also shadowed senior staff during site audits.

Barry Simpson said, “We are delighted to be able to support programmes such as this. It can be a difficult time for teenagers with so much pressure from so many directions. Sometimes people need a wee nudge in their direction of choice and often some help in understanding what their choice means in terms of full-time employment. So ahead of the summer internship we invited Boyd to our office to give him some insight into the huge variety of employment options possible with a career in construction.

“This gave him time to consider options and make an informed decision on what he’d specifically like to experience. Boyd performed exceptionally well; we’ve sparked a keen interest in compliance management. During his brief time here we immersed him in a real-world experience of procedures, work ethics, office etiquette and personal time management that he hasn’t experienced before.

“Boyd positively contributed to our productivity completing genuine assignments for us. I’m sure Boyd would be quick to tell you that he picked up some great skills. He’ll be able to carry these talents onto whatever vocation he chooses and we’ll continue to assist him towards achieving his goals.”

Career Ready is a charity which aims to support secondary school pupils into employment by connecting schools with local employers. Career Ready regional manager, Larissa Russell, added, “Boyd had a terrific internship at Maxi and learned a massive amount which he shared with us in his excellent presentation. In his four weeks he covered admin, compliance, estimating, buying, contracts and marketing.

“He gained so much confidence over the four weeks. As a result of his experience at Maxi, he is rethinking his future plans and hopes to go to college or university. On behalf of Career Ready we are super grateful to Barry for his mentoring of Boyd and for the support Maxi gives to our programme. We couldn’t do this without the generosity of employers like you.”