THE Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) is organising a carbon management conversation event on August 29 in Glasgow. The event, at Strathclyde University’s Technology and Innovation Centre, will showcase major developments in carbon management, through debate, case studies and best practice from industry experts.
Attendees will learn more about the PAS2080 2023 update for carbon management in infrastructure and the built environment and hear how it is being applied to projects and organisations across Scotland. The PAS 2080 is a globally applicable standard for managing carbon in buildings and infrastructure. It looks at the whole value chain and aims to reduce carbon and cost through intelligent design, construction and use.
The 2023 update was sponsored by the ICE. PAS 2080:2023 promotes reduced carbon and encourages increased value delivery, a culture of challenging convention as well as fostering other co-benefits such as climate resilience and nature-based solutions.
During this event, ICE Scotland revealed that attendees will hear insight into the application and priorities of the update, case studies highlighting how teams are already applying it and managing carbon, and discussion on what the future of the industry as drives towards net zero emissions.
Across this half-day, there will be expert insight from Lewis Barlow (decarbonisation technical director for WSP, on why we need to use PAS2080); Dr Jannik Giesekam (Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Strathclyde, on IStructE and Part Z); Chris Lansburgh (decarbonisation director with AECOM, who will explore the changes and application of PAS2080); and Elizabeth Leighton (secretariat of the Climate Emergency Response Group, who will look at what the future holds for PAS2080 and the net zero test).
• Registration is open and this is a hybrid event. https://www.ice.org.uk/events/latest-events/pas2080-event-glasgow