Housing leaders sought to mentor next generation of decision-makers

Daryl McIntosh
Daryl McIntosh

LEADING figures from Scotland’s housing sector are being urged to become mentors as part of a new initiative to equip executives, senior managers and board members with the tools to drive the industry forward.

The programme will pair those seeking to advance their career with former housing association leaders, or experts in specific fields.

It is being created by Share, a provider of housing industry training and accreditations, which revealed it is in advanced discussions with several industry titans about becoming mentors.

Daryl McIntosh, chief executive with Share, explained, “The new generation of decision-makers coming up the ranks at housing firms face many competing and complex challenges, often exacerbated by the current housing emergency. That’s where having access to the vast experience of those that went before will be so valuable, to help provide the tools to navigate and deliver the best possible outcomes.

“Our mentoring programme will be a safe space where we can help mentees quash imposter syndrome and give them the tools to turbocharge their careers and the positive impact they have on their organisations and tenants. In the first instance, we want to make sure that we can match them with the perfect mentor – and so would be like to hear from anyone interested in taking on a role.

“This is a great opportunity for mentors to impart their wisdom – and it could be a hugely gratifying experience for anyone who has recently stepped down from positions of authority or is now in a part-time role and wants to give something back.”

Those interested in becoming mentors are being asked to call 0141 370 6877 or email info@share.org.uk.