Stirling insulation specialist helps local school to flourish

Image credit: Stewart Attwood Photography

BRAEHEAD Primary’s grounds are flourishing after volunteers from local insulation manufacturer, Superglass, helped pupils and the local community upgrade the Stirling school’s green spaces as well as providing funding for ongoing improvement projects.

Superglass has been manufacturing glass mineral wool insulation in Stirling for more than 30 years.

Primary 7 pupils, parents, teachers, and Superglass volunteers recently spent a day revitalising the school grounds and garden area, pulling weeds, planting flowers and repotting plant beds. The initiative is the first in a new partnership between the school and Superglass, with an aim to enhance the learning environment on an ongoing basis and to give back to the local community.

Superglass revealed its products are made from up to 84% recycled glass, which reduces waste and saves resources. Over its lifetime, the firm added that glass mineral wool insulation typically saves up to 200 times the energy used in its manufacture and transport.

Rachael Metcalfe, marketing controller at Superglass, said, “This is the beginning of an exciting partnership between Superglass and Braehead Primary School. An insulation manufacturing facility has existed on the Stirling site since 1953 and making a positive contribution to the local community is a central part of our business.

“To align with this focus, Superglass has also been working with local charity, Start-up Stirling who support local people in need. We have hosted events, participated in fundraising, and contributed to donations to help support the work they do.

“By taking the time out to invest in initiatives that matter to our community and our team – like the gardening project at Braehead Primary School – we not only nurture our ties to the community, but we also pass on our commitment to preserving and improving the environment for future generations.

“We’re excited to make the Braehead partnership a longer-term plan, providing more resources, creating projects, and really getting the children involved and engaged with protecting the environment.”

Frances Hall, teacher at Braehead Primary, added, “Getting big businesses like Superglass on hand to help with the community is important, especially since the pandemic. We’ve lost a lot of that community feel, and it’s great to see Superglass working with the kids to bring that spirit back. The Superglass factory is a site that a lot of the children recognise, so initiatives like this one make the children aware of the type of work that they do and builds those connections with the children.”

Susan Lawson, Mandarin teacher with Stirling Council, commented, “Getting the students involved in our Chinese garden is extremely beneficial to learning at the school, as the environment is something we focus on. Getting as many volunteers as we can is imperative for us, from parents to members of the community, to big businesses like Superglass. We’re undergoing a number of other environmental initiatives at the school, and we can’t wait to involve Superglass with those too.”