THE Highland Council has approved an investment plan for the next 20 years worth £2 billion.
Set to see wide ranging investment across communities in the Highlands, the spend includes over £1 billion of capital investment in schools and roads over the next decade in phase one of the programme.
The first 10 years of the programme will also see investment in an initial phase of projects which will be place-based. These include Dingwall, with £400 million investment to redevelop education and community facilities across the town in addition to housing, infrastructure and depots – with a similar approach in Thurso, Alness, Brora, Dornoch, Goslpie, and, Invergordon.
Schools identified for investment in phase one include Beauly, Charleston, Dunvegan, Fortrose, and Inverness High School. In total, the funding will address the poor suitability and condition of 92 schools which have been flagged as requiring investment, currently rated C (poor) or D (bad) for condition and/or suitability.
Convener of the Highland Council, Bill Lobban, said, “What is proposed is a ground-breaking, long term infrastructure investment programme for the Highland area, which will create jobs and economic prosperity across the region and constitute transformative change over the next 10 years. It is a radical solution to the significant challenges we face in maintaining and renewing our asset base.
“The Highland investment plan responds to the widespread public support for further investment in the school estate, as well as emerging critical issues that we face in dealing with schools with RAAC and HACC. We cannot simply rebuild schools like for like, and where possible, we will explore retrofit and co-location opportunities.
“Importantly, we are seeking to maximise our spending power to create innovative community points of delivery for a wider range of public services in one location that can meet wider community needs as part of a strategic plan for communities.”
Leader of the Highland Council Raymond Bremner, added, “The Highland investment plan will be one of the biggest investment programmes in Scotland and the largest ever for Highland. In addition to improving our school estate, the planned investment will help to address the on-going challenges we face in maintaining over 4000 miles of Highland roads and sustaining rural communities.
“The previous three years have seen increased funding for the roads capital programme. The capital review of September 2023 provided roads additional capital investment of £7.8 million over five years and in March, members agreed another £40m over three financial years. A long-term investment programme for roads and transportation will ensure a sustainable approach to investment, contractor procurement, and opportunities to attract match funding from developer contributions or other external funding sources.
“There will also be significant local contracting and business opportunities and wider community economic benefit associated with the delivery of the investment plan.”