A survey has been launched to find out how Contractor Design Portion (CDP) can impact more positively on construction quality.
Led by the Construction Quality Improvement Collaborative (CQIC), the online survey seeks to find out how the approach is currently used and what needs to change to improve the CDP process.
Over the last 25-30 years there has been an increasing tendency to use CDP for construction projects where a range of specialist sub-contractors are required to contribute towards the overall design and construction of major buildings.
However, many working in the sector believe the system is being used ‘inappropriately and too late in the process’. It is also believed that ‘poor communication and a lack of coordination of details between the design team and the sub-contractors is commonplace’.
Colin Campbell, associate director at the Scottish Futures Trust, who provide the secretariat for the CQIC work, said, “Across the various Scotland-wide CQIC forums we’ve held about the challenges in delivering quality on projects, CDP was a recurring theme in those discussions. This survey is a chance for everyone working in the sector to have their say on how the system can be improved and to help shape future guidance to inform best practice.”
Iain Kent, commercial director of Morgan Sindall Construction and co-chair of the CQIC, which is the quality working group within the Construction Leadership Forum’s Transformation Action Plan, added, “The use of CDP has grown over the years and it can create challenges for those at the sharp end undertaking construction. Whilst there is undoubtedly a need for CDP in specialist areas of construction, there can be issues with the late incorporation of CDP design, how it is reviewed for compliance and in how it is coordinated with other parts of the design.
“This survey will give an insight into why and how it is used and how its use can be improved. This will be analysed and will allow the development of guidance that will support the sector to use CDP in a manner that will contribute to the construction quality outcomes we are all striving for. I would urge all those involved in the sector to take the time to contribute to this important piece of research which will bring benefits to us all.”
The survey can be found on the CQIC website at www.cqic.org.uk