WEST Dunbartonshire Council has published its masterplan on decarbonising heat and improving energy efficiency within buildings in the region to help meet net zero targets.
A draft of the local heating and energy efficiency strategy (LHEES) was presented to members of the local authority’s infrastructure, regeneration and economic development committee, and approval was granted for the public to be consulted on the plan.
People across the region will now get their chance to provide feedback on the document which identifies current heat sources and opportunities for development. West Dunbartonshire Council said there will also be ongoing engagement, allowing residents to help shape the net zero heat transition in their area.
As well as the development and potential expansion of the Queens’ Quay district heat network and feasibility of new heat networks in other areas, part of the strategy will involve progressing air source heat pump pilot projects to domestic properties and monitoring the financial costs and viability for future developments.
This is in addition to energy efficiency programmes currently in operations to increase energy efficiency such as loft, cavity and wall insulation.
Councillor David McBride, convener of infrastructure, regeneration and economic development, said, “This is a key project, outlining how we will deliver on ambitious aims to become net zero by 2045. I want to thank the officers who have put a significant amount of work into producing this strategy and providing a plan on how we can tackle the climate emergency by taking action in our own communities.”