A pair of animated cartoon seagulls have been launched in a bid to get Aberdeen youngsters involved in shaping the city’s centre and beachfront masterplans.
Originally designed as cartoon book characters by local school kids, the gulls – named Dave and Sam – have since been made into an animated cartoon voiced by local kids.
Aberdeen City Council said it’s hoped that the feathered friends inspire young people to come forward with their ideas for what they’d like to see included in the project to transform their city.
The cartoons will be launched over the following weeks, alongside a guide for teachers and parents which will include links to how the work also helps to support elements of the curriculum for excellence.
Aberdeen City Council’s finance and resources convener, councillor Alex McLellan, said, “It is essential that we engage with our children and young people on the key themes and elements of the city centre and beach masterplan in a way that they can understand and that captures their imaginations.
“From the outset of the masterplan, we made sure that, in line with our commitment to the UN convention on the rights of the child, our children and young people’s views were actively sought and considered. What better way to achieve this than by engaging the creative talents of the young people themselves?”
Education and children’s services convener at Aberdeen City Council, councillor Martin Greig, added, “Our creative learning team and the pupils involved in creating Dave and Sam have done a fine job in devising imagery and messages that will engage and inspire young minds.
“I look forward to seeing and hearing the animated films soon.”