A ‘growing number’ of tradespeople are signing up to Moray Council’s Trusted Trader scheme, the local authority has said.
The initiative looks to help protect householders from poor quality workmanship and doorstep crime, with the Moray Trusted Trader website listing traders vetted and approved by Trading Standards.
Traders are added to the site’s database which is freely available to residents to search through when they’re looking for a reliable company to carry out work in their home.
Chair of Moray Council’s planning and regulatory services committee, councillor David Gordon, said, “To receive accreditation to the Moray Trusted Trader scheme, traders go through a strict procedure which researches their trading history and their financial background, and carries out criminal records check. That gives Moray householders peace of mind that each trader we have listed has provided our Trading Standards with evidence that they operate to high consumer protection standards.”
Police Scotland’s local area commander for Moray, chief inspector Mike McKenzie, added, “We are proud to support this initiative. The Moray Trusted Trader scheme helps to protect local residents from scammers by ensuring that they have access to information that enables them to choose approved, vetted traders in the area.
“We remain committed to working with our partners to bring doorstep criminals and bogus callers to justice, while making sure we protect the vulnerable members of our communities and keep residents safe from crime.”
Traders interested in joining the scheme can visit the Moray Trusted Trader website to sign up. The local authority said that the process should take around 10 minutes and a half-price offer of £120 for new members is open for a limited period.