SCOTLAND’S electrical bodies are looking ahead to 2024 with confidence as new figures show a ‘healthy pipeline’ of young talent – but also insist that industry-led apprenticeships are the ‘only way’ to deliver the future of skills development.
The Scottish Joint Industry Board (SJIB), Scottish Electrical Charitable Training Trust (SECTT) and SELECT have welcomed a report which shows the youthful age profile of Scotland’s electricians. They also point to record recruitment levels over the past three years and recent triumphs in national apprentice competitions as proof of a bright future, but insist that such high standards can only be maintained by industry-approved training.
The bodies issued their statement after a SJIB report found that of the 19,566 people in Scotland with an Electrotechnical Certification Scheme (ECS) card, almost 40% (7,813) are aged between 16 and 29, with just 19% (3,836) aged 50 or over.
Some 4,603 (24%) holders of the accreditation that permits holder to carry out electrical work are aged between 30 and 39, with 17% (3,314) in the 40 to 49 bracket.
Fiona Harper, the secretary of the SJIB, said, “These encouraging findings counter the oft-heard fears of an ageing workforce that won’t be replaced. Instead, it suggests an engaged and eager younger generation who are already embracing the challenge of new technology and will continue to safely heat and power our homes and business for generations to come. As the electrification of society continues, we are looking ahead to 2024 with confidence that a healthy pipeline of young talent is emerging, produce qualified electricians who have a solid, broad base of knowledge that can be added to with additional training as required.”
However, Ms Harper warned there is no substitute for a proper apprenticeship and that the bodies would continue to promote employer-led training.
The figures have emerged during another ‘bumper’ year for electrical apprenticeships in Scotland, with 908 new starts and full classes for the 2023/24 intake following the 900-plus apprentices and adult trainees recruited for both 2022/23 and 2021/22.
Anne Galbraith, CEO of SECTT, which manages training on behalf of the SJIB, added, “The healthy state of electrical skills training in Scotland is reflected in the high apprentice and adult trainee intake for the past three years, with enthusiastic students, and committed employers, most of whom are members of SELECT. These employees are the future of the industry and it’s vital that everyone recognises the importance of the industry-led scheme which is an exemplar model.
“It’s crucial that an electrical apprenticeship continues to be the recognised route to market to ensure we train the workforce of the future in the skills they will need to deliver net zero successfully and safely.”
Alan Wilson, MD of SELECT, said the recent victory by a Scottish apprentice in the national SkillELECTRIC competition is a further indicator of the high standard of training. Danny McBean, 21, from SELECT member company Grants (Dufftown) Ltd, triumphed in the UK-wide skills contest in Manchester in November – the third Scottish apprentice to win the title in the past four years.
Alan said, “Danny scored top marks after excelling in a complicated electrical installation task against the very best young electrical talent from across the UK. His victory – and the achievements of other young Scots in previous years – reflects the quality of instruction that electrical apprentices and adult trainees currently receive at training centres across Scotland. As the country moves towards a wholly electricity-dependent economy, we must ensure that young talent like Danny is properly nurtured to guarantee both a brighter industry and a safer Scotland for years to come.”