A reported delay in the timescale for introducing heat pumps has been welcomed by Scottish property firm DJ Alexander Ltd.
The estate and letting agent was responding to media reports indicating there is to be a delay in the deadline for the phasing out of fossil fuel boilers and replacing them with heat pumps or other green energy schemes.
David Alexander, chief executive of DJ Alexander Ltd, said, “If this reported easing of the timescale for the introduction of greener heating is proved to be true then it will be welcome news for the housing sector. Most organisations felt that the deadlines were unrealistic, the costs too expensive, and the infrastructure to achieve these plans was not in place. A delay will allow a reset of the policy to ensure it can be effectively introduced where it is appropriate and affordable.
“Few deny that cleaner energy systems are required but most felt that this was all being introduced too quickly and with insufficient planning. For many homes in Scotland the proposed technology is unworkable. In particular, tenements will likely require a different solution than heat pumps to provide energy to multiple homes.
“Equally the number of trained installers remains very low for the levels of installation required over a short time frame. Allowing additional time to get the infrastructure in place to deliver clean energy plans is clearly a more realistic and achievable approach.
“Trying to turnaround decades of building regulations, and traditional homebuilding technologies in a short period of time was always going to be difficult. I believe that introducing a more realistic timeframe, consulting widely with the whole housing sector, and creating a proposal that is achievable, affordable, and introduced over a longer period of time will ensure a more successful outcome for all concerned.”