A new consultation has launched to help form the blueprint that will shape Glasgow over the next 20 years.
Glasgow City Council has begun work on the city development plan 2 (CDP2), which is a land use document setting out place-specific policies for the development and regeneration of the city.
The plan will establish where new homes, schools, businesses and open spaces should be located, and will also identify areas that need to be protected and where future investment should be directed.
Glasgow City Council will gather evidence on what to plan for before developing CDP2, and some evidence will come from residents and stakeholders through the consultation – which will end on 31 January – through which participants can give their views on what it is like to live in Glasgow and how they would like to see the city’s land developed and used.
The evidence will inform the council’s evidence report for CDP2 and will be submitted to the Scottish Government in 2024. The evidence report will be a baseline account of information to assist the council in considering the quality and effectiveness of the development plan.
In Scotland, it is a statutory requirement for local authorities to prepare a local development plan. Decisions on planning applications are made in accordance with the development plan, unless there are material considerations that indicate otherwise. The Scottish Government published local development planning guidance and regulations in May 2023, and this, alongside the planning (Scotland) act 2019, sets out a vision and requirements for development plans which local authorities must follow.
Councillor Kenny McLean, city convener for development and land use at Glasgow City Council, said, “Glasgow’s city development plan will guide where places that shape our lives – from homes and schools to businesses and open spaces – are located in the future. This consultation is important as it help shape the final version of the plan by finding out what works and what doesn’t in neighbourhoods around the city.”
The consultation can be accessed here.