Fife College offers record number of engineering apprenticeship opportunities

FIFE College has offered over 130 engineering modern apprenticeship opportunities throughout the region for the 2023/24 academic year.

The number is a new record for the learning institute, with it also supporting more modern apprenticeships than ever before in the construction sector.

Skills Development Scotland, Scotland’s skill agency, announced modern apprenticeship numbers for the 2023/24 earlier this year with 400 places awarded to Fife College.

Miles Lagan, head of business development at Fife College, said, “With the rapid advancements in technology and the need for innovative solutions in various industries, the demand for highly skilled engineers has never been greater. Fife College recognises this demand and is committed to playing a pivotal role in developing the next generation of engineering talent.

“We are therefore thrilled to provide more modern apprenticeship opportunities than ever before for local aspiring engineers to gain the skills and experience needed for a successful career in the engineering sector. These apprenticeships will also play a vital role in addressing the skills gap in the industry while also contributing to the economic growth of our region.”

“Combining working and learning, modern apprenticeships are a great way to gain the skills and experiences employers are looking for while also earning. For employers, they are also a great option to develop enthusiastic young talent with the exact skills and experience their business requires.

“We look forward to continuing our partnership work with Skills Development Scotland and local businesses to ensure Fife benefits from the full range of apprenticeship opportunities.”

Billy Scott, key sector manager for engineering at Skills Development Scotland, added, “The Scottish engineering and manufacturing sector is incredibly healthy, with nine consecutive quarters of growth in areas such as marine, aerospace, energy, space, and Rail.

“Apprenticeships in the sector offer people the chance to work, earn and learn skills that are in demand and employers need.”