COMMUNITY group Bloomin’ Bo’ness has received a £1,000 donation from Walker Timber to support its work to keep the town looking beautiful.
Bloomin’ Bo’ness volunteers look after all the seasonal planting and maintenance of flower beds and planters around the town centre, in areas that are no longer maintained by the council. The team’s displays include whisky barrel planters, wheelbarrows, and hanging baskets, along with birdfeeders and a bug hotel.
The donation from local firm Walker Timber will be used to purchase tools and equipment.
Lorna Shanks of Walker Timber said, “We’re thrilled to support the Bloomin’ Bo’ness team, who do such a wonderful job, creating striking and innovative floral displays in and around the town centre. We hope this donation will help Bloomin’ Bo’ness to expand their activity in the community and look forward to enjoying more of their work in the future.”
Lorna Weir, chairperson of Bloomin’ Bo’ness, added, “We are very grateful for the donation from Walker Timber. Bloomin’ Bo’ness is a volunteer led organisation, and all our work to date has been supported by fundraising and donations from local people and businesses. We have recently started making some of our completed areas available for community sponsorship, which will hopefully help us generate further funds to support our activity going forward.”