PREPARATORY works are to get underway on a project to improve accessibility at Anniesland Station in Glasgow.
From August 28 until September 5, Scotland’s Railway will undertake ground investigation work in front of the station entrances on Great Western Road.
Due to the area’s mining history, the works must be carried out before the project to improve accessibility at the station begins.
The main project, which will begin at the end of September, is expected to take 12 months and once complete, will make it easier for people with impaired mobility or those travelling with luggage, children, or bicycles to access the station platforms.
Scotland’s Railway’s investigative work will be carried out between 7am and 5pm, with a barrier created between the works and road to ensure the safety of all. A pedestrian walkway will be created to allow continued access to the station during works.
Amanda Naughton, scheme project manager for Scotland’s Railway, said, “We thank all those who attended the information session, and who have reached out with positive feedback regarding the Anniesland Access for All project. We understand there will be some inconvenience to station and road users and to pedestrians during the initial works and the main project.
“We have made sure that access for our teams and equipment has been carefully considered so that the works will cause a minimal amount of disruption. We have also liaised with Glasgow City Council to agree on the safest traffic and pedestrian management system.
“We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as our teams work to complete this project, which will be of great benefit to the people of Anniesland and surrounding areas.”