Dandara steps in after flood damage to Kirkliston scout hall

Tony Williamson, sales director for Dandara East Scotland with members of the Kirkliston Scout Troop and Scout leader Peter Hancock. Image credit: Phil Wilkinson / Dander

DANDARA East Scotland has come to the aid of 1st Craigalmond Scout Group after floods caused extensive damage to its hall in Kirkliston.

The housebuilder donated £500 to help with the cost of repairs to the 1960s former barracks, after a storm last December caused the River Almond’s banks to burst, leaving the floor under a metre of water.

While insurers were happy to pay for most of the work, when they lifted the flooring they discovered some of the joists underneath were badly worn and would have to be replaced at considerable cost before the new surface was laid.

Peter Hancock, group scout leader, explained, “Unfortunately as the issue with the joists was caused by age and not by water damage, we have to foot the bill for replacing them ourselves. It’s a massive outlay and would have significantly impacted our funds so we would not have been able to subsidise any of the trips we organise. We were so relieved when Dandara said they would help and Tesco has kindly offered us a bag packing slot but we are hoping other businesses and supporters will assist us too.”

The scout group has more than 80 members, who take part in a range of activities from learning outdoors skills like building a camp fire and cooking, to trying out adventure sports such as abseiling and climbing, along with volunteering in the local community.

Tony Williamson, sales director for Dandara East Scotland, which is building locally at Foxhall Gait, added, “When we heard of the Scouts’ plight we were pleased to step in with the donation. The group is at the heart of the local community and does a tremendous job teaching young people important skills for life, the importance of teamwork and to develop a love of the outdoors. It is also a great place to make friends.

“We can’t wait to visit the hall when it is finished and wish them every success with their fundraising activities.”

The group is now putting the finish touches to plans for a sponsored walk in September.