HOMES for Scotland has welcomed the appointment of the organisation’s chief executive Jane Wood to the Scottish Government’s Housing to 2040 strategic board.
Wood is one of the stakeholders sitting on the board, which has its first meeting today, tasked with leading progress towards the delivery of the Scottish Government’s ambition that everyone has a safe, quality and affordable home that meets their needs in the place they want to be.
She said, “Housing is fundamental to Scotland’s social wellbeing and economic success. From health and education to jobs and investment, it impacts every area of our lives but we simply don’t have enough homes.
“This is clearly demonstrated by the shortfall of 110,000 homes that has been accumulated since 2008 yet delivery challenges have never been greater. With strong interdependencies between tenures, home builders across all segments of the housing market have a critical role to play in achieving the objectives set out by the Scottish Government and recognition of this through my appointment is very much welcomed.
“The strategic board is a critical body which must focus on creating effective policies which deliver both economically and socially, and I look forward to working collaboratively with my board colleagues to do this.”