REPRESENTATIVES from contractor Balfour Beatty will be in attendance at a pre-application consultation event on the proposed redevelopment of Nairn Academy.
The in-person event on September 6, with presentations at 4.30pm and 6pm, has been arranged at Nairn Academy, with attendees to get the opportunity to review project information boards and ask questions.
As well as school staff and council officials, members of the project design team will also be there. All members of the community are welcome.
Two virtual online public events have also been arranged for September 8 at 2pm and 7pm on MS Teams.
Details of the proposed redevelopment will be uploaded to: https://www.highland.gov.uk/info/878/schools/845/school_estate_management/7
A replacement school building for Nairn Academy was included in Phase 2 of the Scottish Government’s Learning Estate Investment Programme announced in December 2020, and funding for the project is included in the re-profiled capital programme approved by The Highland Council in January 2021. The project is currently at design stage and the council said comments on the proposal would be welcomed.