THERE has been a ‘continued fall’ in the amount of vacant and derelict land in Glasgow, the city’s council has said.
The total level of vacant and derelict land in Glasgow in 2021 stood at 880 hectares, a reduction in 6% (59 hectares) on the 2020 figures.
New housing was built on 20 hectares of previously vacant and derelict land sites. The council said this was ‘notably’ from public sector housing-led regeneration projects such as transformational regeneration areas (TRA) or the affordable housing supply programme.
It comes following the 2020 launch of the £50 million Scottish Government’s vacant and derelict land investment programme (VDLIP). The ring-fenced budget is allocated to Glasgow City Council and four other local authorities for the purpose of bringing vacant land into beneficial use, in accordance with council and Scottish Government objectives.
Glasgow has received an allocation of £2.159 million for 2022/23, with the objectives being to tackle long-term vacant and derelict land; stimulate economic growth and job creation; developing a diverse sustainable environment with a focus on either permanent or temporary greenspace; and supporting communities to flourish to tackle inequalities.
The funds will go towards two projects in the city. It will see the redevelopment of a long-term derelict school site in Hamiltonhill as part of a housing-led green infrastructure masterplan with Queens Cross Housing Association. Two former primary schools in Ruchazie will be transformed into ‘attractive, usable’ community spaces with Seven Lochs Wetland Park.
Councillor Kenny McLean, convener for land use at Glasgow City Council, said, “The continued reduction in vacant and derelict land in the city is a real success story for Glasgow. The new uses being made at the – now productive – sites across the city undoubtedly bring us economic, environmental and social benefits, and highlight the progress being made in regenerating many different areas. The grant support for the projects in Hamiltonhill and Ruchazie will continue this progress, benefiting local people and organisations.”