New images detail Aberdeen streetscape plans

NEW visuals have been released displaying what proposed changes to Aberdeen city centre could look like.

The proposals, which are connected to the new market plans and are part of the city centre masterplan, aim to improve connectivity, wayfinding, and accessibility.

Aiming to generate greater footfall and economic activity in the area, it will also look to enhance the overall vibrancy and attractiveness of the city centre – particularly on East Green, Carnegies Brae, and Hadden Street, alongside expanding existing connections with The Green and Market Street.

The area, which is part of The Merchant Quarter, directly links Union Street to the new market development and onwards to Aberdeen’s rail and bus stations and Union Square shopping centre.

Aberdeen City Council said that the new market will create a ‘destination venue’ featuring international-style food and drink outlets with ‘attractive’ market-style floorspace which will promote local produce and goods, alongside continental-style delicatessens, cafes, and food outlets.

The local authority added that the chosen streetscape improvements will address the need for improved wayfinding along this route and would have ‘access for all’ as part of the considerations.

Aberdeen City Council city growth and resources convener, councillor Alex McLellan, said, “The area around The Green has massive potential to become a more vibrant and accessible space for people to enjoy and visit.

“We need to listen to what people want to see in the area and understand how the public think the area can be improved. I would encourage as many people as possible to take part in the online survey and drop-in consultation to help inform our plans.”

The online consultation will run from July 8 to July 25 and can be accessed by clicking here.  The drop-in consultation events are being held at the Maritime Museum on July 13 and July 14 from 2pm to 6pm.