PROPERTY developer and social housing builder First Endeavour and Yeoman McAllister Architects have launched a planning consultation to deliver a new apartment complex at the former Wallace Craigie Works in Dundee.
The 1.7ha brownfield site is bounded by Princes Street and Broughty Ferry Road. It was last occupied by a jute mill in 2004 and is now partially in use as a car park.
First Endeavour revealed that perimeter blocks of repeating five-storey apartments are planned to snake alongside Broughty Ferry Road, with car parking restricted to rear courtyards to create a positive street front of gable-fronted mill-style buildings, inspired by the likes of Sighthill in Glasgow.
In a statement, the applicant wrote, “The architecture should be appropriate for a prominent location within the city and close to the waterfront. The elevated position of the site means the building will be quite prominent within the Dundee skyline.
“The pitched roofs reflect traditional Scottish architecture whilst also reflecting warehouse-style development appropriate for an old mill site and a location close to the river. It is also intended to utilise brick as the dominant material again to reflect the heritage of the site and its former use.
“Large windows and balconies will maximise the opportunities for views and create an interesting and attractive frontage to the site.
“The proposals will provide a mix of social, affordable and private homes in an area of the city already suited to this type of development.”
A formal planning application is expected by the end of the year.