JIM Butter has been announced as the new president of SNIPEF, Scotland and Northern Ireland’s plumbing and heating industry’s trade association.
Mr Butter has been involved in the plumbing industry for almost four decades, and for the past 12 years has run his own domestic plumbing and gas boiler installation business, Jim Butter Plumbing and Heating Limited, in Broughty Ferry.
As president of SNIPEF his role will include providing insight, expertise and guidance to the organisation which he has also served as president of the Dundee & District Master Plumbers since 2015.
Jim has been an active SNIPEF council member for seven years and an office bearer and director of SNIPEF for the past three years, in the roles of junior vice president and laterally, vice president.
He said, “I am honoured to be elected president and, now that Covid-19 is on the retreat, I am looking forward to supporting the work of SNIPEF to meet the needs and ambitions of its members across all of Scotland and Northern Ireland.
“A key priority will be to give support to the SNIPEF senior management team in their roles, as they endeavour to meet the challenges and issues currently confronting our sector. This includes current skills shortages and the necessity of securing funding to encourage a range of people from all backgrounds to consider the career benefits of undertaking a plumbing apprenticeship.
“Throughout my term as president I will strive to ensure that SNIPEF continues to be an influential voice within the sector. SNIPEF’s aim is to be at the forefront of supporting companies to ensure a vibrant and dynamic industry, staffed by experts and professionals, versed in the complexity of new and sustainable technologies.”
Stephanie Lowe, acting CEO of SNIPEF, added, “Jim’s extensive plumbing and heating experience aligned with his business development skills makes him a superb fit for the role and his background will strengthen the voice of SNIPEF to all our stakeholders as we continue to promote the work and expertise of SNIPEF and its members.”
A former semi-professional goalkeeper with St Johnstone, Alloa Athletic, Queen of the South, Montrose, Brechin City, East Stirlingshire, Montrose and East Fife, Jim currently acts as a part-time goalkeeping coach and is a qualified SFA coach.