ALBYN Housing Society, a social landlord that owns and manages 3,700 properties across the Highlands, has announced the appointment of Kirsty Morrison as chief executive.
Ms Morrison had been interim chief executive since August last year. She joined Albyn as director of customer service in February 2021 following customer service and business improvement leadership roles with several housing associations, including Clyde Valley Housing Association, River Clyde Homes, and business and commercial and housing-related roles with City of Edinburgh Council.
The recruitment for the new chief executive was undertaken with recruitment consultancy Eden Scott.
Lesley McInnes, chair of Albyn Housing Society, said, “It was important to us that we undertook a robust and transparent recruitment process to find the best possible candidate for the role. It became clear very quickly when we interviewed Kirsty that she would bring an abundance of passion along with a clear vision of how she will lead Albyn.
“Kirsty has excelled as both director of customer service and interim chief executive officer. The board are very much looking forward to working with Kirsty and the staff team in the coming months to deliver the ambitious plans for the future of Albyn.”
Kirsty Morrison commented, “As the permanent CEO at Albyn, I am looking forward to continuing the fantastic progress we have made on our change journey, with a committed board and a passionate team. Our new vision is to maintain and build homes, while supporting customers and communities to flourish; a vision that energises us all to provide ever improving services to our customers.”