BELLWAY Homes has shown support for premature babies thanks to a valuable donation.
The housebuilder donated £250 worth of wool to Caroline’s Cuddles, which provides hand knitted hats, blankets and cardigans to special care baby units across Scotland.
The group was set up by Jackie McAleese in memory of her best friend Caroline Kennedy who sadly passed away in May 2014. Caroline, from Alness, was a community midwife with NHS Highland and delivered hundreds of babies during her career.
Jackie, who lives in East Kilbride, said, “Caroline had such a love and passion for her job and I spoke to her husband Ian and her sons and they felt this would be a nice way for her love for new babies to live on. We are so grateful to Bellway Homes Ltd (Scotland West) who gave us 100 balls of wool which enabled us to recruit extra volunteer knitters.”
Bellway, which has offices in Hamilton, learned about Caroline’s Cuddles from technical secretary Tracy Stewart, whose mum is one of their talented knitters.
Jackie added, “Tracy and her mum Irene Macfarlane are beyond amazing. Irene must have knitted hundreds of hats, cardigans and bootees for us – she jokes knitting is better than weight watchers for keeping you from munching. I am not the best knitter myself, I have been knitting the same scarf for twenty years, so I am completely in awe of the gorgeous clothes she makes.”
Along with clothes for special care baby units, the group also knits teddy bears for memory boxes for parents of babies born sleeping and recently sent some baby clothes for new borns in Ukraine.
Pauline Coates, sales director for Bellway Homes Ltd (Scotland West), added, “I cannot think of a better cause to support and it was incredible to see how many items the knitters were able to make with the balls of wool. We had them all laid out in our boardroom in Hamilton and we couldn’t believe how much work must have gone into them. It is lovely to think of the little ones being kept cosy in these beautiful hats and cardigans.”