GROUNDBREAKING ceremonies have taken place at the site of two East Ayrshire Council housing development sites.
The builds at Drongan and Quarryknowe are both being carried out by CCG (Scotland) Ltd, with the development at Drongan coming on the back of ‘high demand’ for affordable housing, whilst the builds at Quarryknowe will support assisted living.
The Drongan development will see 14 new homes build on Mill O’Shield Road and Hannahston Avenue, with it consisting of four two-bed homes, one two-bed bungalow for older and ambulant disabled people, one two-bed wheelchair accessible bungalow, seven three-bed homes, and one four-bed home.
Eight one-bed flats will be built at Quarryknowe as well as a care providers’ base and a private garden for residents. The local authority said the development will be similar to its award winning assisted living developments in Hurlford and Kilmarnock.
CCG director John Baggley said on the work at Drongan, “Mill O’Shield Road is the latest example of how East Ayrshire Council and CCG are transforming communities across the regional area with high-quality, highly energy-efficient affordable homes.
“We have worked together now for over five years and we are delighted to bring our expertise to the town of Drongan where construction is well underway and on track to welcome residents later this summer.”
Speaking on the work at Quarryknowe, councillor Jacqui Todd, cabinet spokesperson for housing, welfare and poverty at East Ayrshire Council, said, “The development for Quarryknowe will enable residents to live independently and safely in the local community, with support from health and social care services, in an environment that promotes social interaction. The concept for this development has been informed by collaborative working between the council’s housing service and East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership and is based on our award-winning developments in Kilmarnock and Hurlford.
“By engaging with our local communities and working closely with the East Ayrshire Federation of Tenants and Residents, we are changing lives and are future proofing our communities, not just our buildings and ensuring that local needs are met.”