ADDITIONAL funding has been secured for the build of an integrated community hub in Dunfermline.
The Abbeyview Tryst Centre, which opened in 1968, will be demolished to make way for the new facility.
Funding of £6.5 million had previously been set aside for the project but estimated costs for the development identified a shortfall of £1 million. However, the city of Dunfermline area committee has now endorsed the additional funding required for the build.
Described by Fife Council as set to be a ‘newer, more efficient community building space’, the ‘much needed’ facility will see the former local office building being repurposed and extended to incorporate a range of services.
It will include a reception area with dedicated interview space; a large multi-purpose activity space with linking folding doors to allow access to additional community space; a teaching kitchen to aid food resilience by creating simple, fresh meals with affordable ingredients; a dedicated IT suite; community space; and secure garden.
Councillor Helen Law, convener of the city of Dunfermline area committee, said, “We’re delighted to endorse this additional funding. It will now allow this important development to move forward. By integrating the complimentary services and activities into one building we’ll help to retain a community identity within Abbeyview.
“The new space will allow for provision of adult education opportunities, address community food resilience and enhance mental and physical wellbeing provision. It will offer necessary, flexible childcare opportunities for the community in and around the Abbeyview Area.”