THE proposed extension to Bhlaraidh Wind Farm has taken a ‘significant’ step towards receiving consent, after receiving no objections from The Highland Council.
SSE Renewables has plans to construct 18 turbines on land to the east of the existing wind farm development, near Invermoriston, which first began operating in 2017.
The Highland Council’s south planning applications committee supported the recommendation of the local authority’s planners to raise no objections to the development, subject to the removal of three turbines.
The proposal now proceeds to Scottish Government ministers who will make the final consent determination on the application. If approved, it will add to SSE Renewables ‘significant’ investment in the Great Glen. Around one third of Bhalaridh Wind Farm’s capital and operating expenditure – more than £120 million – is projected to be secured in the Great Glen during the lifespan of the development.
Craig Cunningham, project manager for Bhlaraidh Extension, said, “We welcome today’s decision by the South Area Planning Applications Committee regarding Bhlaraidh Wind Farm Extension. The Bhlaraidh Wind Farm Extension will make a significant contribution towards Scotland’s net zero goals, while providing new green jobs for local supply chain companies in the Highlands.
“The construction phase of the project will provide a considerable boost to the Highland economy and Bhlaraidh Extension, when operating, will be another milestone in the journey to a net zero future. We are grateful to the community organisations, individuals and businesses who contributed to the programme of consultation that preceded the submission of our planning application to The Highland Council.”