Planning application tipped to kick-start Seafield regeneration

MANSE and J. Smart & Co have jointly submitted a planning application for the delivery of a new residential development on the site of the former Vauxhall Garage on Seafield Road East in Edinburgh.

The proposed redevelopment has been tipped to act as a catalyst for the overall regeneration of Seafield and see the delivery of up to 220 new homes, including affordable housing, on a brownfield site currently used as car showrooms.

The application for Planning Permission in Principle (PPiP) has been described as being designed to meet the aspiration of the local authority for the delivery of sustainable new residential development on brownfield sites.

The Seafield area is currently dominated by industrial and car retail operations and the existing Local Development Plan envisages alternative uses, such as residential, to be acceptable in the area.

A public consultation event was held in February last year and feedback from this has been incorporated into the proposals.

Subject to successful determination of the application, redevelopment of the property could start in 2023 following the relocation of the car showrooms to new purpose-built facilities.

Colin MacPherson from Manse said, “We are delighted to be bringing forward this planning application for Seafield. It will serve to act as a much-needed catalyst, meeting council aspirations for the overall regeneration of the area and its desire for residential development on brownfield sites to meet the city’s housing needs.”