Construction products regulator to be launched once building safety bill passes

THE UK Government has said it intends for its national regulator for construction products to become operational once the building safety bill has been approved.

The regulator will have the power to remove any product from the market that presents a significant safety risk and prosecute companies that flout rules on product safety.

The office for product safety and standards (OPSS) started work to establish the new regulator in April 2021, with it leading and coordinating work that will set the new regulation for construction products.

Westminster said the new regulator will become operational once the building safety bill has been passed, alongside the subsequent secondary legislation. It added that this would give OPSS all the necessary legal powers to carry out its duties as the regulator in full.

The UK Government said, “Evidence given during the Grenfell Tower Inquiry demonstrates that there is a clear need to confront poor practices in the construction products industry and to establish new norms that will restore public confidence in it. While the NRCP will encourage good practice, enforce the law, and educate the industry, the system cannot be fixed by regulatory intervention alone.

“All industry stakeholders have a part to play in changing the operational culture and must accept this responsibility, including manufacturers, distributors, product installers, warranty providers, standards makers and test houses.”