THE JR Group has revealed that construction of 18 new build social rented homes for Clydebank Housing Association has begun.
The flats, located on a former bowling green, have helped secure the long-term future of Clydebank Bowling Club, which will now be able to invest in the remaining facilities.
Paisley-based JR Group purchased the former green on John Knox Street, with the project set to come to fruition over the next year following grant funding received for the acquisition and development of the site.
The £3.2 million development – which includes £2.1 million in grant funding from the Scottish Government – will comprise a mix of one and two-bed flats, with two of the flats specifically adapted for wheelchair users.
Partners including MAST Architects, engineers Cowal Design and energy and sustainability specialists Carbon Futures, as well as Clydebank Housing Association, have worked with The JR Group on the project, which has been given the support of Sportscotland.
Andrew Dallas, projects director for The JR Group, said, “I am delighted to see this project getting underway. Whilst we worked on the successful refurbishment of Clydebank Housing Association’s head office back in 2019, this signals our first housing project with the team – hopefully the first of many.
“Not only will the flats be a great addition to the West Dunbartonshire area, but by carrying out the project we’ve been able to support Clydebank Bowling Club, which is a trusted and important part of the local community.”
Lynette Lees, chief executive of Clydebank Housing Association, added, “Our management committee is committed to increasing its affordable rented housing stock for the benefit of current and future tenants, so it’s wonderful to see this project begin to come to life. We’re pleased to be working with The JR Group on this development, which will help to meet the high demand for social housing in our area and will go some way to meeting our current waiting list demand for affordable rented homes.
“This development is in the heart of our area of operation, and we already have properties in the immediate vicinity and this proposed development will be a valued addition to our housing stock.”