Scottish Government backs build of toxicology laboratory with £6m


A ‘state-of-the-art’ toxicology laboratory is to be built in the central belt, the Scottish Government has announced.

The purpose-built facility will be run by the Scottish Police Authority Forensic Services, with it providing vital sample testing to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service.

The Scottish Government is providing more than £6 million in funding for the centre, which it said will enable the transition of post mortem toxicology forensic services from the University of Glasgow to the Scottish Police Authority Forensic Services.

Justice Secretary Keith Brown said, “I welcome this investment to provide a new state-of-the-art facility which will allow essential post mortem toxicology services to continue, ensuring that the COPFS continues to meet its obligations to investigate all sudden, unexplained deaths. This investment also enables significant operational efficiencies to be delivered with the new service benefitting from specialist scientific instruments and supplies in a purpose built laboratory.”

Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain QC added, “This change secures the future of a service that is vital for the investigation of unexplained deaths. I would like to thank the University of Glasgow for their hard work over the years, and I am delighted that their expert staff will be retained in the transition.”