PLANS have been approved for a ‘high quality’ and ‘well known’ retailer to occupy a vacant building on Glasgow’s Sauchiehall Street.
The identity of the occupier has not been named in planning documents, however the blueprint states that the store will operate from 6am until midnight each day of the week and act as a retail outlet offering the sale of food and non-food items.
A series of external alterations are now planned for the building, including a new polyester powder coated, thermally broken aluminium curtain walling system; the removal of stepped entrances; and general façade repairs. Further to this will be the creation of a single-storey plant area.
The original documents submitted to Glasgow City Council read, “Taken as a whole, the proposed occupation of the site by a high-quality retailer and commitment to Sauchiehall Street is a huge boost in these challenging times.
“The proposed works are sympathetic and complementary and will revitalise this urban block with a vibrant occupier that will attract footfall. It will bring new life to the street façades which will be a major benefit to the conservation area.”
In their reasoning for approving the application, Glasgow City Council wrote, “The proposal was considered to be in accordance with the development plan and there were no material considerations which outweighed the proposal’s accordance with the development plan.”
The approval comes with a series of conditions, including abiding by the operating times of 6am until midnight; no deliveries after 22:00 from Mon-Fri, and after 18:30 on Sundays and bank holidays; and suitable lighting being provided to the public.