THE main construction contract for the transformation of Inverness Castle has been published on Public Contracts Scotland.
The Highland Council said that the contract signals the next stage in the transformation of the castle into a tourism ‘gateway’ for the Highlands.
The planned construction includes:
- Reopening the original front entrance to the building in the south tower.
- Improving accessibility to all parts of the building, including a rooftop viewing area.
- Contemporary additions to the building including a new café space between the north and south towers of the Castle.
- Creating new external viewing terraces including one on the roof of the building above the main door in the south tower.
Upgrading the environment around the Castle with significant landscaping works. - Careful conservation of the building fabric throughout.
The tender process is beginning following the completion of enabling works, which involved the demolition of recent additions to the building, asbestos surveys, timber preservation surveys  and structural checks and the successful planning application approved by The Highland Council.