WEST Lothian Council has agreed a budget of over £3 million for the repair of the Lanthorn Centre’s roof deck.
The Livingston facility closed in April after significant structural issues were identified within the roof structure, with the local authority anticipating that it will remain shut for two years.
Works are proposed to commence in early spring of 2022, with the project predicted to last for 14 months – with a completion date of May 2023. A period of remobilisation will then be carried out before the facility can reopen in the summer of 2023.
Leader of West Lothian Council, Lawrence Fitzpatrick, said, “We would obviously not have chosen to find ourselves in this position. This is a significant amount of money being spent on the repair of the roof but we can assure building users and local people that we are investing in The Lanthorn Centre to ensure it continues to be a fantastic local community facility.”