THE Strategic Development Framework (SDF) for Glasgow city centre, which will help guide the area’s development over the next three decades, has now been adopted by Glasgow City Council after approval from the Scottish Government.
The SDF was developed through public consultation and features six key ambitions: to reinforce the city centre’s economic competitiveness; re-populate the city centre and ensure sustainable neighbourhoods that promote health, wellbeing and social cohesion; reconnect the city centre with surrounding communities and its riverside; reduce traffic dominance and create a pedestrian and cycle friendly city centre; make it climate resilient with a network of public spaces; and repair, restore and enhance the urban fabric to reconnect streets and reinforce the city centre’s heritage and character.
The local authority said the delivery of these ambitions will mean that Glasgow will have a city centre that is ‘vibrant, sustainable, liveable and well-connected’, offering ‘20-minute neighbourhoods’ that provide all the daily needs of the people who work, live, study and visit there.
Some of the key actions proposed include measures to improve the offer of the city centre as a ‘day out destination’ with more leisure opportunities; create mixed-use business environments that better serve and support a modern workforce; and create a highly integrated ‘green grid’ street network that improves the walking and cycling experience.