A programme which delivers energy efficiency measures in homes in Glasgow has resulted in a saving of almost 590,000 tonnes in carbon emissions, the city’s council has said.
The affordable warmth programme sees Glasgow City Council work in partnership with owner-occupiers, private landlords and housing associations to deliver energy-efficiency measures in homes with funding from the Scottish Government’s energy efficient programme: area based schemes (EES:ABS).
The initiative is a voluntary programme with owners opting in to participate. The local authority said external wall insulation is the most commonly delivered measure. Since 2013/14, the council has received over £37.5 million in grant funding from EES:ABS – the highest of any local authority in Scotland. Since then, over 11,000 energy-efficiency measures to the value of £101 million have been installed in 75 areas in Glasgow – delivering almost 590,000 tonnes of lifetime carbon savings.
Councillor Kenny McLean, city convener for neighbourhoods, housing and public realm at Glasgow City Council, said, “The value of our affordable warmth programme is clear to see, not only reducing household energy bills in homes all across Glasgow, but delivering a huge amount in carbon savings.”