A £358,000 contract has been awarded to Pat Munro Ltd for the construction of a new all-abilities path at Inshes Park in Inverness.
The Highland Council project will see the creation of a surfaced footpath linking the pedestrian bridge on Inshes Road with Milton of Leys. The path forms the final link to earlier phases of a footpath provision.
The local authority said that the new path will meander through 12.7 hectare of parkland consisting of natural birch woodland and open rough grassland providing a natrual and informal park for users to enjoy.
The wider park has been funded through developer contributes collected over the past number of years from adjacent housing developments. Sustrans Scotland has also provided a £227,000 grant towards the current phase of the project as part of their places for everyone initiative.
Councillor Ken Gowans said, “Inshes Park is a fantastic amenity for all, and I am pleased we have been able to take this further step forward with this latest development. At this time in particular, when we are encouraging greater use of the outdoors, I am sure it will be widely welcomed. There are ambitious plans to develop the park in future, we are also adding seating and benches to enhance how everyone can experience the park.”