Scottish Government passes legislation to support growth of heat networks

Lennystan, Shutterstock

SCOTLAND has become the first country in the UK to support the growth of heat networks after passing new legislation.

The heat networks (Scotland) bill creates a new licensing system to drive up standards across the sector. It also creates new rights for heat network developers and operators to level up the playing field with other utilities in order to make new investment in the sector more attractive and encourage further growth.

The Scottish Government said it estimates that heat networks will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of 90,000 cars by 2050 and generate annual fuel savings of around £130 for every household that connects to a heat network.

Scotland’s energy minister Paul Wheelhouse said, “The Scottish Government’s commitment to helping ensure Scotland becomes net-zero by 2045 is unwavering. We understand the decarbonisation challenge we face in order to end our contribution to climate change, not least in decarbonising heating in our homes and buildings, which currently accounts for 30% of Scotland’s total energy consumption.

“Heat networks have huge potential to reduce emissions in our homes and buildings by providing more efficient, environmentally-friendly solutions. The heat networks (Scotland) bill – the first legislation of its kind in the UK – unlocks this potential, and marks the beginning of what will be a period of transformational change in how we heat our homes and business premises.

“As we continue to grapple with the unprecedented challenges of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, we know that we urgently need to stimulate our economy. Heat networks fit the profile of the sort of project that can make a significant, near-term contribution to our green recovery while providing long-term employment in local communities. The development of this sector will, crucially, provide ongoing support to achieve our target to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

“Scotland has the most ambitious legislative framework for emissions reduction in the world, which is why we have also, through this bill, set stretching targets for the expansion of heat networks to ensure that we build early momentum and give as much clarity to potential suppliers as we can. Our targets are undoubtedly ambitious – targeting the equivalent of 650,000 homes to be connected to heat networks by 2030, from the current number of 32,000, will require a very significant expansion of the supply chain – but I am confident our heat networks bill lays strong foundations for this ambition to be met.”